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LLC Blethers: An Evening of Academic Storytelling is a social-academic event held in Edinburgh at the beginning of each year. It features PechaKucha presentations about postgraduate research and experiences. It's open to all Literatures, Languages, and Culture (LLC) postgraduate students and staff and is kindly supported by the University of Edinburgh's LLC Innovative Learning Week and the Graduate School Student-Led Initiative Fund.

Blethers brings academics into an informal setting to showcase the things that excite them most, and give students and staff both new and old to socialise and collaborate in new and innovative ways. You can find out more about LLC Blethers and the work they showcase here.


Here at Inciting Sparks we support the LLC Blethers initiative by providing a platform for participants to record their presentations and help share the work they put into the project in a more concrete form. On this page, you can find a selection of the best presentations given each year.

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